Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Day Out of L.A.

Okay, now I am excited!
The adventure is real and so are the airline delays.

First hit  - departure out of L.A. Plane leaves terminal only to stop and need signal repair. Not so bad, only about a half hour. Plenty of time to make connection to Winnipeg.  Had nice conversation with neighbor returning fom Brisbane, Austrailia visiting new grandchild. Worked for Headstart program in Wisconson. Informed me of big push there to start 4 yr. olds in Kindergarten - Yikes. Smooth arrival into rainy Minneapolis, just enough time to stroll to new terminal area to catch connection.

Second hit - the plane is tiny - only 12 rows. Half the people get on the plane when the gate clerk announces they need a pilot. So off come the passengers and we all had to wait 1 1/2 hours for someone to fly the aircraft.

Polar Bears all over the city!

A bit of history


Looks like a good place for dessert

Walking Bridge

Staying in downtown Winnipeg hotel. Its funny because  the city looks like  there should be a lot happening but not many people on street or many shops. Went for nice walk around the Forks  near the river (mosquitos). The water is flowing fast. There is a large park area and  hit on Aboriginal Day. It was late but there were lots of folks listening to live music. Looks like they had a massive festival day. There are lots of buildings in the distance that look interesting and plan to walk around tomorrow. Will take camera this time.

Its hard to catch up on tme since it just got dark at 10:30.

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