Sunday, June 26, 2011

Churchill - Day Eight

No attempt at getting up in the middle of the night since  no one had any northern lights success and we were pretty exhausted from our day off. Its gloomy outside and predicted to get worse - loads of rain. Breakfast, briefing, dressing, loading up and out to last site. We were on plot samples - counting all new growth - for the morning. The rains came as predicated and we plowed on till the job was done. Warm soup in the warm cafeteria was very welcomed.

Creative breakfast menu

Stairs to observation dome

Weather Rock: If its wet, its raining, if it moves, its windy, you get the picture

Weathering of rocks

shopping anyone?

Only open shop in town
 The afternoon was a washout for outdoors work and we caught up on core sample maintenance. Drying, gluing, and sanding.
Quieter afternoon, catching up on loose ends.
Had our after dinner lecture about some of the research data from previous years work - gave us an idea of how what we are doing will be used to forecast tree growth trends.

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